
Fact Sheets

An open space in the forest with a view of a narrow creek going into the mountains

Cows, Fish, Cattledogs, & Kids! Game show & board game information

It’s a Ruckus in the Riparian Area! This information sheet contains information you will need to familiarize yourself with the Cows, Fish, Cattledogs and Kids! game show and board game

Cows, Fish, Cattledogs, & Kids! Activity Booklet

Cows, Fish, Cattledogs & Kids! game show and board game educates children (Grades 2 to 6) on the importance of healthy riparian areas, the green zones of water-loving vegetation next to streams, rivers, lakes and wetlands.

Beaver Coexistence Tools: Materials & Suppliers

This fact sheet was created in partnership with the Miistakis Institute as part of the “Working with Beavers” project & features detailed information about the materials needed to complete beaver coexistence projects

Cost-Benefit Analysis of Beaver Coexistence Tools

This fact sheet was created in partnership with the Miistakis Institute as part of the “Working with Beavers” project & features a cost-benefit analysis of beaver coexistence tools such as tree wrapping, pond levellers, & culvert protectors

Beaver Coexistence Tools Fact Sheet

This fact sheet was created in partnership with the Miistakis Institute as part of the “Working with Beavers” project and is intended to provide a broad summary of solutions that can help mitigate issues caused by beavers and foster an environment of human-wildlife coexistence.

Beavers and Fish Fact Sheet

This fact sheet was created in partnership with the Miistakis Institute as part of the “Working with Beavers” project & outlines the general relationship between beavers and fish

Ranching and Alberta’s Headwaters

Cows and Fish and the Southern Alberta Land Trust Society (SALTS) partnered with ranchers to look at two streams in the foothills of Alberta in the Bow River watershed.  The goal of this project was to assess trends in riparian health along two streams where ranching is the dominant land use and where ranchers are actively engaged in riparian management.  This factsheet summarizes the project goals and results.  Learn how ranching and watershed health can go hand in hand.

Grazing, Cropping and Carbon

Agricultural landscapes can help store or sequester carbon through beneficial management practices.  This 4 page factsheet provides information on how soil carbon can benefit landowners and their land, management practices that can prevent soil loss and restore carbon stores and grazing practices to increase carbon storage opportunities.

Riparian Profile & Reference Sites

Demonstration, profile and reference sites are cost effective methods of displaying and testing riparian management options using local producers. Other producers and community members are given the opportunity to educate themselves about riparian management options as well as to discuss and evaluate the benefits and applicability to their region by touching, seeing and examining the site. Demonstration, profile and reference sites are valuable and practical tools for producers and communities. Learn how to select effective demonstration, profile and reference sites.

Riparian Demonstration Sites – A guide to selection and development

Demonstration sites test and display riparian management options. They are places where existing riparian management is modified and new techniques are incorporated. Examples include changes in livestock management such as: implementing a rotational grazing or riparian pasture system, adding new water sources, or applying new technology.

Riparian Health Training

Would you like to better understand the health of your riparian area? The Riparian Health Training fact sheet provides answers on the type of training provided by Cows and Fish and how to choose the right training for you.

To obtain printed copies of these publications, please use our Online Order Form.

Invasive and Disturbance-caused Plants Fact Sheet

This fact sheet explains all you need to know about weeds, or invasive and disturbance-caused plants, in riparian areas. From different types of weeds to the impact of weeds in riparian areas and why weeds are included in riparian health assessments. For a complete list of all invasive and disturbance-caused plants see the fact sheet Invasive Weeds and Disturbance-caused Undesirable Plants List.

Riparian Health Assessment and Inventory

Wondering how to measure the health of your riparian area? This 4-page fact sheet will give you some ideas on why you may want to look at the health of your riparian area, and how you can use the information to make management decisions. It also describes the differences between riparian health assessment and inventory, the benefits of both, and how Cows and Fish can help.

What does riparian health look like? What makes a site healthy or less than healthy? See Riparian Areas: A User’s Guide to Health for a colourful, image based, 46-page booklet to help you tune your eye to what makes up riparian health.

To answer the question “Is this riparian area healthy?”, consider doing a Riparian Health Assessment, and request one of our landowner’s guides to riparian health, better known as Riparian Health Assessment Field Workbooks. These are pocket guides for landowners to easily determine the health of their riparian area and as an education and awareness aid for resource managers:

Getting Past the Talk: Working with Communities

A fact sheet on the Cows and Fish Process in action; sharing our experiences working with communities.

The Cows and Fish Process

A fact sheet on the strategy to create successful partnerships with producers and their communities to effectively address riparian land issues. This community-driven approach may be useful for your group or agency to consider.

Facing The Issues

A 2-page summary of the role Cows and Fish plays in riparian management, and where our emphasis lies in terms of program goals.

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Oil painting of an aerial view of a riparian area