Swiss Chard & Shoes Brenda Schroeder tells a story from the consumer perspective. Brenda is a bright and caring individual who is committed...
Call Me Crazy Difficulty Ranch is a family-run cow-calf ranch located in Mountain View County. The La Brie’s have been growing as a...
I Want to Be Your Farmer Sunrise Farm is an 800 acre mixed-farm in the Killam area that is holistically and organically managed by Don &...
God’s Country Twin Butte Simmentals is a family-run purebred cattle ranch situated in south west corner of Alberta approximately 15...
The Gift of the Grass Round Rock Ranching is a family-run cow-calf and yearling cattle ranch located in the Vermillion area. The McGrath...
How Will You Remember Me? Butters Ranching Ltd is a commercial cow-calf ranch located northwest of Cochrane, alongside the Rocky Mountains and...
Legacy Kidd Bros. ranch, originally homesteaded in 1913, and located near Mayerthorpe, Alberta is home to Bob Kidd and his...
How do I meet a farmer? Big or small, urban or rural, we are all part of a community. But is there a growing disconnect between urban and...
Solar Powered Gramineae Red Angus, located near Tofield, Alberta is a 4th generation ranching operation set amid copses of aspen,...
Just Walk Language, ecological literacy and understanding can challenge sustainability. Communities of people, those in...
Down South Vance and Brenda Barritt are working on a new venture, Earth Works Farm. And like any new venture, it comes with some...
Home Sweet Home Highwood Valley Ranch is a fourth generation family ranch situated alonside the Highwood River in Alberta raising Red...
Out of Shadows John Ross, with his family, ranches in the dry mixed grass prairie east of Milk River. John is of a multi-generational...