Board of Directors & Members

The Cows and Fish members and supporters recognize the importance of riparian areas and the issues that require resolution: to restore and maintain the health of these vital riparian areas or “green zones”. The task is large and will only be accomplished with cooperation and partnership. By working together, we can bring the energy, resources, knowledge and wisdom to improve, understand and manage riparian areas.

An open space in the forest with a view of a narrow creek going into the mountains

Meet our Board of Directors

The Cows and Fish Board of Directors and Members include local producer and community representatives as well as the following agencies and organizations:

Cows and Fish members provide the input, support, and guidance needed to achieve Cows and Fish’s mission. We also rely on financial and in-kind support from Donors and Funding Sources to accomplish our goals.

“A cooperative effort of agencies, organizations, producers and community groups”

We want to acknowledge the strong linkage and partnering with Riparian and Wetland Research Program (University of Montana) and now with Ecological Solutions Group LLC on riparian health assessment, inventory and classification for Alberta.

Donors and Other Funding Sources

Funding from Alberta Environment and Protected Areas enables our core work supporting environmental resource stewardship through proactive involvement of landowners and land users

The Calgary Foundation supports beaver coexistence and education initiatives by Cows and Fish and the Miistakis Insitute, which includes the Working with Beavers website. This funding supports efforts to educate and engage communities to increase coexistence and reduce conflict with beavers, resulting in watershed restoration and cultural reconnections. Visit our beaver project page to learn more about our work with beavers in the province.

The MakeWay Foundation builds partnerships and solutions to help nature and communities thrive together



Alberta Ecotrust raises dollars from partners, donors and others who care about the environment and leverage it back to the community. Dollars are reinvested through grants to non-profit and charitable groups for well researched, community-led projects that address three environmental priorities: the protection of water, wilderness, and the atmosphere. For more information visit:

With the support of Alberta Innovates, the Miistakis Institute and Cows and Fish are able to continue working on beaver coexistence initiatives in Alberta, which includes the Working with Beavers project. To view more of our work with beavers, please visit our beaver project page.


Past Supporters, Donors & Funding Sources

Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada – Canadian Adaptation & Rural Development Fund (CARD)
Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada – Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Program
Ag & Food Council – Community Riparian Program
Canada Alberta Beef Industry Development Fund (CABIDF)
Environment Canada – Habitat Stewardship Program
Wildlife Habitat Canada
Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Program
Shell Canada – Shell Environmental Fund
Alberta Real Estate Foundation
Mountain Equipment Company

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Oil painting of an aerial view of a riparian area